Monday, January 31, 2005

Was it all a dream...?

Being in the snowy cold of Ambridge and sweet warmth of family makes Africa seem far, far away. is far, far away! The reality of Africa, however, is pressing on my heart, and we need to make a decision soon. Leslie and I have decided that we need to set a definite decision deadline, and set aside some specific time for talking, praying, and listening. When we do so, I will let y'all know so you can be praying with us.

One of the great parts about coming home has been a very tender time with my family. There is a different kind of joy in being with my wife and kids again after a time of separation, and the past several days have been filled with the simple pleasure of being together.

I missed a week of school, so things are already moving along on the academic side. I'm struggling slightly to get into a groove, but that happens every semester. I just happen to be a bit more sleepy this time. Actually, this semester is also different for a few other reasons: 1) Visiting Africa has shifted some of my priorities, which has me looking at my studies with different eyes; 2) I'm in love my wife and kids in a different way, so in one sense I don't care as much about the academics; 3) It's my last semester!

It is a bit strange being back. Lots of brief exchanges in which I try to compact my experiences into a 2 minute sounbyte. Also, Africa does seem somewhat like a dream. Talking to Leslie and looking at photos and video footage helps, but sometimes it already feels like things are slipping away. Then I remember a face, a voice, an experience, and I know that life continues on in Africa in a very real and beckoning way.

I'll continue to post at least once a week. So keep checking back. The adventure isn't over yet!

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