Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Uganda Week 1

Here are a few glimpses of our first week en route to Kabale.  They only begin to tell the story of the fun, hard, draining, exciting, confusing, scary, tasty, icky, crazy, sobering, uplifting, challenging, faith-building time we're having.

Leslie's and my Dads -- such love we've received!

DFW Airport.  Our final farewell to parents/grandparents -- many tears!

Jesse and Leslie at Namirembe Guest House l in Kampala, our transition place.

Julia demonstrating our new way of bathing.

Georgia with Winnie, our  lovely new Ugandan friend
Outside the Cathedral atop Namirembe Hill

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Mark said...

This is so cool, my family is going to love reading your blog. Keep it up. Take care,


Anonymous said...

Will be praying, praying, praying.

CNalven said...

Thank you for sharing this remarkable adventure!

With prayers,

Beth said...

Wonderful pictures! We loved seeing these! Praying for you each day. :)

Beth, Dana and Sarah

Hines Family said...

Thanks all. More to come this afternoon if all goes smoothly.

Breanna said...

Noe and I love the picture of Julia in the "bathtub". That is how Daniel is bathing now, too!

Travis, you are a great writer.

Could you give Leslie my email? It is arabadventure@hushmail.com. I'd love to keep in touch with her as we are going across the "chaos bridge" as well!

We have a blog, too- sort of... it is www.arabadventure.blogspot.com.

Breanna :)