Friday, May 21, 2010

School Texas Style...

This has been the last week of school for our kids, since we're pulling them out early for our cross-cultural training in Colorado.  For the final three days, Granddad saddled up the horses, and Jesse and Georgia got to ride to and from school (40 minutes each way) astride Mary Sue.  Here's a quick glimpse into this wonderful memory-maker:

While we're putting up videos, here's a brief one from Lucy's birthday party from last week.  Lucy wanted to have an "umbrella parade."  It was the highlight of the party!


Hines Family said...

well, it doesn't get any better tan that!! Love, Mom

Shay + said...

Awesome! As a young boy, I would have given anything to ride a horse to school. Way to go Jesse and Georgia!

Love from all the Gaillards,
Fr. Shay

GTT said...

hi Travis, your kids are beautiful! hard to imagine Jesse and Georgia being so old -- in my mind they're still the ages my kids are now. Blessings to you as you prepare to go to Uganda. Kristi Iachetta