Thursday, February 10, 2005

We're going to Kabale!

Leslie and I agree that this is the direction God is taking us. Here's a snippet of the email I sent to the principal and deputy-principal of Bishop Barham University College. (For a refresher on the school, look at the second paragraph of my "Thursday in Uganda" posting and the entirety of "The Swiss Alps of Africa." You can also go to Bishop Barham on the Web for more details.)

Hello again George and Jovahn,

The past couple of days were set aside by Leslie and me to fast and pray about our decision concerning coming to Africa. We talked and prayed at length tonight, and we both feel strongly that God is saying a firm 'yes' to committing to come to Bishop Barham. We are both humbled and excited by your willingness to invite us into your community, and even rather scared by all that such a move entails. We know, however, from both our experience and from Scripture that God will be beyond faithful to support us and provide for us in ways that will not only strengthen our family, but bring blessing to those with whom we serve.

We will need to talk in greater detail in the future, I'm sure, but I wanted to let y'all know as soon as possible about our decision, and to begin afresh our conversation with you. To begin with, one thing I would like to put before you for your consideration is our length of stay. Originally, before I visited Uganda, we were thinking that we would only come for one year. After my visit, however, it seems to us that one year is too short of a time to accomplish much lasting work. We are now thinking that we should commit to a minimum of two years, providing that time frame seems good to you and to the Lord. One immediate implication arising from this choice is the challenge of raising financial support. To raise the funds necessary to bring us to Kabale for an extended time is going to take a lot of work on our end. As a result, we are now thinking that we will probably need to spend one year after my graduation this May raising funds, which means we would not arrive until summer of 2006 at Bishop Barham. This possibly poses several challenges for you and for us, including postponing the opportunity to serve y'all directly. Among the advantages, however, are the extra time to prepare for our departure, time for me to prepare to teach whatever classes y'all decide I should teach, and possibly even opportunities for me to research and pursue funds for the technology needs of Bishop Barham. Please let me know what thoughts you have about these ideas.

And here are some snippets from the deputy principal's reply:

Dear Travis,
Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We are very happy to know that you feel the Lord is saying to you "go to Bishop Barham". What a joy!! This comes as good news to us all at Bishop Barham.
We look forward to receiving you at Bishop Barham either may this year or next year. I think our Principal will respond to the idea of either coming this year or next year.

Extend our appreciation to your dear wife for joining you to accept the all to come to Uganda and to Kabale in particular.

God bless you.

Jovahn Turyamureeba
Deputy Principal

Please continue praying for us as we move forward. I'll give more details on our next steps in a few days time.


Anonymous said...

Has Toot ever been to Kabale? I haven't and I want to go with y'all and take Grandma with me. Grandpa M.

Anonymous said...

pst! leslie! this looks tres interesant! (your father sent your blog address in an e-mail to us chattaways ...) how many kids you have now? i'm kidless, but in grad school studying library science so i can rid myself of my chattawayish ways. heh. anyway, keep me posted on your adventure at
p.s. i had a dream recently that took place on "peridot island" ... remember that?!

jace anderson said...

You and your family will be blessed (there is no doubt) and you will be a blessing to the people of Uganda (for this, there is also no doubt!)

1Co 3:9 thru 11

it is truly encouraging to read of your decision to return. They say "once you have tasted the waters of Africa, you must return again to quench your thirst"... (who are THEY? anyways?) God bless you and keep you as you draw closer to him in your preparations. Where God guides, he does provide (also, no doubt!).