Monday, October 19, 2009

Hoisting the Sales

We cannot create the wind or set it in motion, but we can set our
sails to catch it when it comes; we cannot make the electricity, but
we can stretch the wire along upon which it is to run and do its work;
we cannot, in a word, control the Spirit, but we can so place
ourselves before the Lord, and so do the things He has bidden us do,
that we will come under the influence and power of His mighty breath.

(Streams in the Desert, p. 181)
(Photo from djpd's photostream)

This quotation summarized what we were hearing from God in early June of this year. We didn't know when the wind would blow -- when the Spirit would finally send us to Uganda -- but it was clear it was time to ready ourselves in a more radical way.

Now, almost 4 months later, we're seeing a stirring in the sails.  Our support steadily trickles in, more people and churches are expressing interest, I've left my work at Trinity, Leslie has started packing up our house, we're preparing to have a Yard Sale to say goodbye to most of our things....  We're living like we're leaving!

Because we are.

Here's a snapshot for those who are just joining us in our story.  In 2005, God made it clear he was calling us to Uganda.  What started as a small desire for our family to be shaped by East African Christians has grown into a vision for joining that African family in raising up a generation of Ugandans to reach the world for Christ!

(Baluka is one of those East Africans!)

So, four years later (and four years later than we had planned), we're going to be joining the faculty, staff, and students of Bishop Barham University in Kabale, Uganda.  I'll be overseeing their computer lab and teaching biblical studies, and all of us will be cultivating relationships in this wonderful community.

We'll also be joined by the Morrow family, a wonderful gift from God!  (Check out their bravescaredwarrior blog.)

(Yep, their kids -pictured here - look a lot like our older three.)

(see what I mean?)
While teaching, working in the computer lab, and working in the hospital (Morrows) will be our primary roles there, at the heart of our work is this vision of raising up a generation of East Africans to reach the world for Christ. Uganda has been doing this for a long time already, and the Christian community in Kabale has been a significant part of this work.  But there is more to be done, and they and God have invited us to join them.  We have lots of ideas, but we'll begin simply by living, learning, and loving with them.  And, as we go, we're being prepared, shaped and sent by Global Teams, who consistently reminds us that we are to be yearning toward "seeing the heart of Christ in the skin of every culture."
So, the wind is beginning to blow.  There is a lot between here and there, and the seas seem pretty chaotic and choppy to us at times.  That's why we're grateful to be following One who walks on water and hushes waves with a word -- and that's why we need you with us.

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